
MyLife (36) Fashion (12) Discussion (7)

Monday, April 16, 2012


Today I found myself thinking too much..yeah you'll say that's imposible..but I really had a system overload. Sooo I decided to drastically change my life. I spent last two months doing absolutelly nothing..Don't wanna explain all the details that led to this, but yeah..I was enormous ''couch potato''. So I got myself not one, but two jobs for the next few months. And to top it off, I went for a run after work. It's over with ''I'll do it tomorrow''. Realizing that I'm throwing my life away (cliche, I know) with watching series and movies all day, was kinda a downer. I just really really really hope this new realization sticks.. =)

On totally unrelated topic..

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
Anaïs Nin

I had a talk with a friend..about relationships..I'm talking friends not lovers ;)
I tried to tell him that It's not always easy saving what you have with someone..Especially in high school. I had a lot of close friends back then, and I tought that we'll be like that forever..But things change. You go to different collegess in different cityes..where you find new friends and new hobies to occupy yourself with. You can try to stay in touch, but having the same kind of bond with them it's rare. I managed to keep only one friend that I know since I was little, but even with her It's different than it was.. I'm not sad about it however. And here is the reason for the quote that I've written. I truly believe that all new people that you meet bring something new and exciting to your life. Old friends are offcourse precious and if both of you really want it, friendship stays like you want it without much effort. No matter the distance or time that passes by. But old friends aren't neceserally better..(I'm saying ''old'' friends for people from your childhood..)..One of my best friends I've known since I was born, but we never really hung out. Untill a few years ago. So no..I don't close myself to new people like some of the folk i know.. There is too much oppurtunity for greatness outside the circle..
I must say that I was never lonely. I manage to surround myself with great people..Even if only once or twice a week. And that's enough for me.

Oh..I have too much to say and my mind is just racing so I can't really say what I want
or how I want usual..But I hope you get the picture..

L, xxx

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